Monday, April 11, 2011

Kredit Laptop, Blackberry dan lain-lain Termurah

Hari Gini beli masih cash, kan sekarang ada kredit murah dan mudah untuk memiliki Laptop, Blackberry, printer, camera dan projector idaman, murah karena angsuran mulai dari Rp. 195.000/bulan, adapun syarat dan ketentuan beserta specs. barang dan harganya sbb :

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Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Blackberry Thumb disease

What is lately felt a pain in the thumb? If so, maybe you're exposed to new disease that is widely experienced, 'BlackBerry Thumb'. What is a disease 'BlackBerry Thumb' is? As quoted from the Times of India, is the name given to repetitive strain injury caused by excessive cell phone use when sending email, chat or sms. "Blackberry or PDAs can cause tendonitis (inflammation or irritation and swelling of the tendons in the shoulder) due to thumb typing on small keypads.

The problem is people do the same activity for long periods when the body was not created to do something like that. The disease can only be felt after long-term use of smartphones, "Christian said Crowe, a therapist, as quoted from usnews. Margot Miller, president of the American Physical Therapy Association's Occupational Health Special Interest Group added, "Due to very small smartphone keypad and thumb are the most nimble fingers and then added to the custom of sending a message.

So that's what causes the injury." Symptoms of 'BlackBerry Thumb' usually is pain or numbness in the thumb and hand joints. Christian Crowe suggested that giving time to rest some time from Blackberry or PDA. "If you start to feel sick, get your thumb a rest. Do not try to keep working with your fingers if they feel sick and think that the pain was gone immediately.

There is no harm in taking vacation time," said Crowe. Meanwhile, Dr. Charles Leinberry Jr., a specialist hand and wrist at the Rothman Institute at Thomas Jefferson University Hospital, He recommended more for more use of computer or notebook. "Try more use of computers. Do not write on your PDA agenda."

Monday, March 28, 2011

Radiation rain flushed the United States

Health officials the United States said that one sample of rainwater in Massachusetts have been contaminated with low levels of radiation. Radiation is most likely from a nuclear power plant of Japan earlier this month damaged by the quake and tsunami. John Auerbach, Massachusetts public health commissioner, said that the element radioiodin-131 was found in samples of rain in the lower levels.

That is one of over 100 samples have been taken across the country. He said the supply of drinking water in the state that part is not affected. Officials do not expect any health problems. Nevada and other Western countries also have reported very small amounts of radiation. However, scientists say that there is no health risk.

Massachusetts Department of Public Health said the sample was taken on last Sunday. But, they do not tell the location of the rainwater samples. Testing is part of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's network that monitors for radioactivity. State officials said similar tests conducted in California, Pennsylvania, Washington and other states.

The results show comparable levels of I-131 in the rain. Massachusetts''last week to test samples from the Quabbin and Wachusett reservoirs and showed no detectable levels of I-131, health officials said. But Secretary of Energy and the Environment, Richard K. Sullivan Jr., urged the Department of Environmental Protection to collect additional samples for testing from several bodies of water in Massachusetts. Results will be available over the next few days.

Being a gay due to lack of serotonin

In addition to your tolerance for homosexual movement, until now the research about the cause of homosexuality continues to be done. One of them is the study by Yi Rao of Peking University and National Institute of Biological Sceinces, Beijing.

Compounds known to affect serotonin in sexual activity, such as erection, ejaculation, and orgasm. Yi Rao then examined the effect of serotonin on sexual orientation white mice experiments. To investigate, Rao uses white male rats that had been genetically engineered. He made the white rat experiments are not able to produce serotonin by turning off genes that play a role in the production of these compounds.

As a result, white mice without serotonin turns tend to like others of its kind. White mice hummed a love song in an ultrasonic frequency which is usually sung when they want to marry a female. Rao also found that 60 percent of males without serotonin spend the time to caress and smell genital lesbian. While males with serotonin tend to approach the opposite sex.

When Rao inject the compound serotonin, he saw that the mice tend to be attracted to the opposite sex. Meanwhile, when too much serotonin, rats would not be attracted to both types. This shows that the concentration of serotonin in the body of white rats to determine their sexual orientation. Serotonin should be in a certain concentration so that support homosexual or heterosexual behavior.

Does the same thing cause homosexuality in humans? Elaine Hull, an expert rodensia Florida State University who was involved in the research, said, "The same thing might also influence homosexuality or bisexuality in humans." However, he and co-author of the study Zhou Feng Chen reminded that the conclusions of this study can not be taken excessively.

Hail this study do not necessarily explain the cause of homosexuality in humans. "More information is needed to determine the location of the brain involved in the regulation of serotonin at it before jumping to the conclusion that serotonin is a compound that affects the attraction between men," said Hull. The results of this study published in the journal Nature on March 24, 2011 last.

This study is the first time researchers were able to describe the influence of neurotransmitters such as serotonin on sexual orientation. Previously, research on the causes homosexuality have also been carried out, for example, related to the volume of left and right brain. So far, some scientists believe that homosexuality is something that has terberi, not a disease.

Friday, March 25, 2011

ECOBALL, Pakaian bersih tanpa deterjen

EcoBall si Bola Pencuci Ajaib

Bola Pencuci Ajaib” EcoBALL adalah hasil inovasi baru dari teknologi Jerman, sebuah bola pencuci yang dapat digunakan untuk membersihkan noda dan mencuci pakaian.
Saat Anda mencuci menggunakan Ecoball akan menarik makromolekul padat yang menempel pada kain, sehingga secara perlahan akan membersihkan noda lain dari pakaian.
Proses pelepasan makromolekul ini akan menyebabkan kadar PH dalam air meningkat, dan mengaktifkan molekul air.
Molekul air yang aktif dapat memudahkan serat kain mengendur, sehingga proses pemisahan kotoran dari pakaian lebih cepat.
Selain itu, dua bahan penting dari pembentuk detergen yaitu Surfaktan dan Builders, diidentifikasi mempunyai pengaruh langsung dan tidak langsung terhadap manusia dan lingkungan.
Surfaktan dapat menyebabkan permukaan kulit kasar, hilangnya kelembaban alami yang ada pada permukan kulit.
Bukan hanya itu saja sisa Surfaktan dapat membentuk Chlorbenzene pada proses klorinisasi pengolahan air minum PDAM. Chlorbenzene merupakan senyawa kimia beracun yang berbahaya bagi kesehatan.
Ecoball merupakan produk ramah lingkungan karena terbuat dari bahan – bahan alami. Ecoball terdiri dari butiran keramik alam yang dirancang secara ilmiah untuk dapat menggantikan fungsi utama detergen:
  • Butiran Far-Infrared Ray & Ion Negatif: memecahkan molekul air dalam ukuran nanometer, mengaktifkan enzim dalam air, sehingga meningkatkan kemampuan mencuci dari air itu sendiri.
  • Butiran Alkali: membantu melepaskan kotoran yang membandel.
  • Butiran penghilang Klor: menetralisir klorida/kaporit yang sering terdapat dalam air, sehingga melindungi oksidasi dan perubahan warna kain dan membantu mempertahankan elastisitas kain.
  • Butiran Antibakteri: menghilangkan jamur, organisme patogen, dan bau tidak sedap.
Bola pencuci ajaib EcoBALL membersihkan noda dan mencuci pakaian dengan bersih.

Silahkan order disini :

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Browser Safari 5 and IE8 Successfully uprooted "Hacker"

Not unexpectedly browser made ​​by Apple's Safari and Microsoft's Internet Explorer 8 have the same fate. Successfully uprooted hackers on the first day Pwn2Own contest that was held as part of the CanSecWest security technology conference in Vancouver, Canada, 9-11 March 2011.

Researchers from the company's security system Vupen, France became the first team to successfully break through the Safari 5. Even according to the version number software , they do it in just five seconds. Co-founder Vupen, Charouki Bekrar, and two members of his team worked hard for two weeks to find a weakness in Safari 5.

They found him on the Webkit, the engine rendering based on open source that use a browser such. They successfully exploit the weaknesses and went through the system via the ASLR (address space layout randomization) and DEP (Data Execution Prevention), two security features specifically designed to prevent malicious programs infiltrate.

In fact, the team has made ​​a special program for infiltrated through the hole weaknesses. These programs enable the calculator and infect a computer to take full access. "Victims who visit a website , he will get caught. Without the necessary interaction whatsoever, "said Bekrar. While IE8 security researchers solved the challenge of Ireland Stephen Fewer.

He successfully break through the browser is running on 64 bit versions of Windows 7. To penetrate the security system IE8, Fewer found three weaknesses, two of whom were already anticipated from the beginning to exploit. With two weaknesses through it, he managed to find a third weakness to break through Protected Mode sandbox so it can access the system in full operation.

As Vupen, he also successfully infiltrated by hacking into DEP and ASLR in Windows 7. For its success, Vupen carrying U.S. $ 15,000 and 13-inch MacBook Air computer that ditaklukannya. Fewer while also entitled to steal a prize of U.S. $ 15,000 and a Sony Vaio computer that had taken over his system. According to the rules of the contest, all that successful exploitation techniques to penetrate these weaknesses will not be published.

The organizers provide the data to TioipingPoint as the sponsor. Further info will be given to each vendor to provide an opportunity to patch or repair up to 6 months before revealed to the public. The contest took place on the second day. However, browsers other, Chrome 9 and Firefox 3.6 failed uprooted any participant. Meanwhile, for the contest of mobile devices , iPhone 4 and BlackBerry Torch also successfully conquered. While Android and Windows 7 Phone survived. joomla web hosting

Bola Pencuci Ajaib EcoBALL

Bola Pencuci Ajaib EcoBALL
One of the quickest ways possible acquisition of market share in the competitive telecommunications business that still grow tall. That is what AT & T to take over T-Mobile in the U.S., as announced on Monday (3/21/2011).
If the acquisition process is running smoothly and approved the relevant authorities in the U.S., AT & T plus the T-Mobile would become the largest market share holder in the field of wireless telecommunications services. 

Joint customers of both to about 130 million users or 39 percent market share. Currently, the first rank still held the previous Verizon Wireless is also the result of the merger between Vodafone and Verizon Communications Inc. with 31 percent.

AT & T itself is still in second place in the telecommunications market in the land of Uncle Sam, while T-Mobile in fourth. The third position occupied by Sprint-Nextel. However, the acquisition will be paid handsomely by AT & T. Operators who for several years as Apple's exclusive partner to market its products it must spend up to 39 billion U.S. dollars.

Each fund was 25 billion U.S. dollars in cash and the remainder in shares. The owner of the current T-Mobile, Deutsche Telekom AG, will get an 8 percent stake in AT & T and seats on the board of directors.

Friday, March 18, 2011

UN Approves Ban Fly Zone Over Libya, Military Action Can Be Done

The UN Security Council passed a resolution against Libya. This latest resolution called for and took all necessary steps against forces loyal to the Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi. In the voting session of the UN Security Council in New York, 10 member states approve the resolution. While five countries: Russia, China, Brazil, Germany and India abstained.

This resolution allows foreign countries to enforce no-fly zone over the region of Libya. With the no-fly, automatically there is no single aircraft, except aircraft for humanitarian missions and aircraft authorized the UN and Arab League, which is allowed to exit or enter from a number of airports in Libya. With the enactment of no-fly zone will also make the Libyan Air Force can not deploy all the aircraft to attack the rebel-controlled territory.

In the resolution, as reported by news agency AFP on Friday (18/03/2011), the UN Security Council also called for cessation of violence and all attacks against civilians Libya. This resolution allows member countries to "take all steps necessary" to protect civilians and areas that were attacked troops Gaddafi, including Benghazi.

With this resolution, foreign forces could launch air strikes on Gaddafi's forces if they continue to fight the rebels. According to British sources, the first attack, will likely be performed by unmanned airplanes. Libyan opposition group has welcomed the UN resolution. "All citizens of Libya is now very happy, they are very happy even though this resolution came very, very late. But we were really excited and happy," said Hadi Shalluf, leader of the Democratic Justice Party and Libya as reported by Press TV on Friday (18 / 3 / 2011). 

Shalluf also thanked the French President Nicolas Sarkozy and U.S. President Barack Obama, who he said had been helpful in the adoption of the resolution.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Three Major Disaster In Japan

Toughness Japan faces pressure three major disasters at once, ie, earthquakes, tsunamis, and nuclear radiation, amaze the world. 

Japan's international reputation as a strong country received wide acclaim. Not the looting to strengthen the image of "civilized nations".

The Japanese government on Tuesday (15 / 3), continues to spur the process of evacuation and relief distribution to disaster areas previously unreached. All the strength and resources deployed to a maximum of northeastern Japan, the region worst hit by the tsunami.

Evacuation of tsunami victims went along with the evacuation of thousands of citizens who are threatened exposure to nuclear radiation at the Nuclear Power Plant (NPP) Fukushima Daiichi, north of Tokyo. Fukushima Prefecture was also included one of the victims of the earthquake and tsunami that occurred on Friday. Television, print media, radio, and news sites online in around the world have released a disaster. It is amazing the world, the whole incident as well as dramatic and thrilling moments of Japanese television filmed the seconds, since the initial earthquake, tsunami, flood water until it "stationary".

Japan then preach the drama of natural fury that left more than 10,000 people were killed and 10,000 people missing around the world. Although time to panic, Japan quickly got up, took all his strength, ranging from troops, ships, until the aircraft. The number of soldiers was increased two-fold than 51,000 personnel to 100,000 personnel. A total of 145 of 170 hospitals across the affected areas fully operational. 

Despite hunger and water crises plagued the millions of people along thousands of kilometers east coast of Honshu Island and other islands in Japan, the victims waited patiently and orderly distribution logistics. Until the fourth day after the disaster, Tuesday, does not sound acts of looting and other despicable acts. Associated Press describes, Japanese residents still face the problem that caused the disaster. 

The other side of Japanese society is taught despite their long-suffering overwhelmed grief of losing loved ones. They patiently waited for assistance. Governments can be more calm to focus on evacuation, rescue, and logistics distribution. Latest disaster is the danger of nuclear radiation caused three explosions and fires in a Nuclear Power Plant Fukushima Daiichi.

Of the six nuclear reactors, four of which have been problematic. Japan learned from the case of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant and build its system better. The government guarantee there would be no Chernobyl incident in Japan. "The United Nations has not taken steps before there is demand. Japan is the country best prepared in the world (the face of disaster), "said Elisabeth Byrs, a spokeswoman for the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), told Reuters . 

Byrs continued, "The Japanese responded to three emergency at once, ie, earthquakes, tsunamis and the nuclear threat, and doing very well." The bloggers and users of social networking sites in English praised Japan as a nation are brave ( Stoic ) and wondered about the ability of other nations, especially in the West, if it was rocked by three major disasters at once.

They praised the Japanese are a great nation, strong and ethical. Harvard University professor, Joseph Nye, said the disaster has given birth to Japan as the nation's soft power . The term was created to depict Japan achieve its goal by appearing more attractive to other nations. When disaster and humanitarian tragedy invite sympathy from the world of Japan, the image of the affected country rarely benefit from the disaster. Pakistan, for example, received U.S. aid and other countries when hit by flash floods last year. However, very few individual assistance, which caused the country's image in the eyes of the world. 

China and Haiti also faces criticism over the handling of the earthquake in 2008 and 2009. Faced with the need for large-scale reconstruction fund, Japan is still considering an international bid. "Despite devastating hit by tragedy, a sad event, there are features that are very interesting from Japan," said Nye told AFP . "Too early to predict whether they succeeded in restoring the economy. However, viewed from afar, the Japanese people during the crisis showed fortitude. This speaks volumes about Japan in the future, "said Deputy Director of the Center for Strategic and International Studies Nicholas Széchenyi.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Story of Japanese Citizens Seeking Their Families After the Tsunami

Japan ravaged by the tsunami as high as 14 meters. One of the severely impacted areas, the Miyagi Prefecture. This area now looks like a stretch of terrain with the carcasses pile of iron, wood, and the human body.

As reported by Time, Tuesday (15/03/2011), Roads in Sendai, the capital of Miyagi, wet with sea water and mud puddles. Some residents appear to be on the road, looking for missing relatives.

One of them is Masahira Kasamatsu (76), a farmer from outside the city of Sendai. Masahira came with his wife Emiko to find his most precious treasure, Yoko Oosato, his daughter who lives in Sendai. "I'm looking for my son. His name is Yoko Oosato whether you see it?" Masahira said.

Masahira daughter, Yoko, have lived in Sendai for more than 30 years. Her daughter worked at the Sendai Airport who took part destroyed by the flood of sea water and earthquakes. Airport itself was filled with debris, mud, the carcasses of cars and planes. Masahira told, after the earthquake and tsunami on March 11, 2011 and, with his wife, he went to Sendai to drive their personal cars, to search for Yoko. 

Masahira contact her since the tsunami struck Sendai, unfortunately the phone calls is not bearing fruit. It took 3 days to reach Sendai. The roads leading to Sendai Airport barely passable. In the middle of the road, vehicle fuel discharged Masahira, Masahira and Emiko spend the night in their cars, without heating and fuel. 

The next day, Masahira decided to walk to reach Sendai airport. "I know so many died in the airport," he said. When entering the airport Sendai, Masahira can see car pile as high as 6 meters and a few pine trees that break down the walls of the building. "I know that my child may be only one, among so many dead. But my deepest hope is that he is still alive. That's the only prayer now," said Masahira. 

Not only Emko Masahira and searching for 'treasure' hers, thousands of Japanese families continue to look for their relatives who disappeared after the tsunami struck Japan's largest ever. In northern Japan, the family continues to search for their missing relatives. They still do not know whether the people they love are still alive or already dead. Some 10,000 people remain missing to this day.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Tsunami Japanese

Monday (03/14/2011), a new three-meter high tsunami was rolling toward the coast of northeastern Japan is destroyed by a similar disaster on Friday. Japanese authorities say, the new tsunami will reach the coast within a few minutes.

Waves can be seen from a firefighting helicopter belonging Fukushima Prefecture, according to television reports. Meanwhile, NHK television said around 11:20 local time (or 09:20 pm GMT) tsunami will occur within 15 minutes.

Sea levels are seen receding in Iwate Prefecture in northeastern Honshu Island, a phenomenon that usually happens before the devastating tsunami waves. Earlier, an earthquake occurred off the coast at about 140 kilometers (87 miles) northeast of Tokyo.

Earthquake shook tall buildings in the capital city of Japan, but the authorities did not issue a tsunami warning. According to the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), the magnitude 5.8 and centered at a depth of 18 kilometers.

Japanese Quake

powerful earthquake measuring 8.9 hit northeastern Japan, on Friday afternoon, and caused many casualties, fires, and tsunami of about 4 meters along the coast of the country. NHK television reported, and witnesses.

After a quake measuring 8.9 that, there are also a number of strong aftershocks and triggered tsunami warnings as high as 10 meters. The quake caused buildings shook in the capital Tokyo.

Television pictures showed the brunt of flood debris of the building. NHK television showed flames and black smoke billowing from a building in Odaiba, Tokyo suburb. Fast train north of the country that was terminated.

Black smoke is rising from the industrial park in Yokohama area Isogo. Television footage showed the boat, car and truck floating in the water after the tsunami hit the town in northern Japan Kamaichi. A bridge, its location is unknown, appears to have collapsed into the water. Kyodo said there were reports of fires in the city of Sendai in northeastern.

"The building shook for what seemed a long time and many people in the newsroom took their helmets and some got under the table," said the correspondent of Reuters , Linda Sieg in Tokyo. "Maybe this is the worst earthquake I have felt since I came to Japan more than 20 years ago." The passengers on the subway line in Tokyo scream. Goncangannya very strong and very difficult for people to remain standing, "says Reuters , Mariko Katsumura.

Hundreds of office workers and shoppers spilled into the street in shopping centers Hitotsugi in Akasaka, central Tokyo.

The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) had earlier stated that the quake measuring 7.9 and centered at a depth of 24.3 km about 130 km east of Sendai, on the main island of Honshu. However, the agency later said the quake measuring 8.9.

Pacific coast in northeastern Japan, called Sanriku, has suffered from the earthquake and tsunami in the past. Last Wednesday, the area was hit by an earthquake measuring 7.2 magnitude. In 1933, an earthquake measuring 8.1 Richter in the area killed more than 3,000 people.

Earthquakes are common in Japan, one of the most seismically active regions in the world. About 20 percent of an earthquake measuring 6.0 magnitude or more occurred in Japan.